Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Obama at the Parkway!

Change has finally come to our country! We could not be more elated at the thought that perhaps things are going to start to look up for us. Being out of work has been horribly depressing. Thinking about the potential to turn the country 360 from where it is- that is keeping us looking up.

We went to the Parkway Theater along with 400 other Minnesotans to view live CNN coverage of the inauguration... The theater had been abandoned and was in need of some TLC.In the summer of 2008, it was bought by a local Mexican-American restaurateur and revived as an indie/ art house theater. It was a really amazing community gathering.

We were so impressed by the crowd's booing and hissing whenever George, Dick or Rick Warren were up on the screen. Standing ovations for Barak and Joe... It felt just like being at home. (We did find out today that there is a big Pro-Life march scheduled to happen in the Capital, St. Paul. Ugh)

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